Quantum Mechanics involves conceptually difficult material—a particle's position is usually indeterminate before measurement—and the notions of superposition and of entanglement are not easy to grasp. But these ideas do not require high level mathematics to express them. Quantum Mechanics for Everyone (Physics 008x) presents the conceptual ideas of Quantum Mechanics (primarily superposition, indeterminacy, and entanglement) in a way that's accessable to everyone. The course uses detailed animations and descriptive videos throughout. It starts by covering the classical mechanics of magnets leading to an understanding of how one can separate small magnetic current loops by shooting them through an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Then we move into the quantum world by examining what happens in real Stern-Gerlach experiments. This requires a foray into probability and it brings home the idea of indeterminacy; it follows many ideas from the text of Daniel Styer. Wheeler's delayed choice experiments, the EPR experiment, an introduction to quantum seeing in the dark, and Bell's inequality are next taught in the context of these Stern-Gerlach experiments. Next up is the quantum mechanics of light. Here, a quantum model of light is developed and used as a framework to describe the Mach-Zender interferometer, quantum seeing in the dark, and the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment; it follows closely a text by Richard Feynman. All this is done using only high-school-level math. We have summarized more ideas about the course in a paper published in The Physics Teacher.
Why is it important to bring quantum mechanics to the general population? Because quantum mechanics is one of the highest intellectual achievements of mankind. It is a pity that such a small percentage of people understand details of how it works. By offereing rigorous classes at a level that a wide population of students can follow the logic, we empower many more people to understand the bizarre features of the quantum world. As we enter the second quantum revolution, this becomes increasingly important to carry out. This course development was partially supported by the National Science Foundation.
This class will be rerun starting on June 28, 2021. Just click the above link to register. You can also see course evaluations.
There is a problem in teaching quantum mechanics to undergraduates. Many students feel that the course is more of a mathematics course than a physics course and they feel lost in their conceptual understanding of what the material really means. Furthermore, most quantum courses are taught in the coordinate representation, which goes against the trend we teach students in earlier courses about vectors being defined independent of the choice of the coordinate system. To try to resolve these disconnects, we have designed a new quantum mechanics course that addresses these issues.
The course focuses first on the conceptual ideas of superposition, indeterminancy and entanglement. This is done using the materials from Quantum Mechanics for Everyone, but supplements them with instruction on Dirac notation and spin operators. Next, we develop four fundamental operator identities: (i) the Leibniz, or product rule, for commutators; (ii) the Hadamard lemma (and the braiding relation and exponential re-ordering identity); (iii) the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula; and (iv) the exponential disentangling identity. While the first three are fairly well known identities, the fourth one is used primarily in quantum optics. Armed with these identities, students are empowered to solve many of the problems that appear in conventional classes, but in a way that helps develop "operator sense" (indeed this way of working with quantum mechanics should be thought of as "operator mechanics"). We use the Schrödinger factorization method to solve eigenvalue problems, which allows us to cover many more such problems than those covered in conventional quantum mechanics classes; indeed, the Schrödinger equation in coordinate space is only introduced in the 12th week of the class. This allows us to focus heavily on different experimental results (see the word cloud to the right, which highlights the different experiments). The course ends with a discussion of second quantization of photons, leading up to a description of how LIGO works. This allows students to both have a clear functional understanding of how photons are different from just dim light, as well as have them understand how something as sophisticated as gravitational wave detection can be carried out.
Quantum Mechanics is being offered through edX starting August 15, 2021 (and annually afterwards). It provides a strong foundation for quantum sensing applications and can serve as the basis for a concentrated training in quantum sensing for the quantum-enabled workforce. The course development was partially supported by the National Science Foundation. We have plans on testing this use with engineering students at pilot test sites (North Carolina State University is considering doing this in Spring of 2022 and we have had some discussions with Stanford University as well).
The videos of the course are available in a youtube channel; just be cautioned that the course has significantly more material than what is in the videos only. The syllabus is also available. Note that the first four weeks of videos are from the Quantum Mechanics for Everyone couse. This list starts with Module 5 of the undergraduate course.
One challenge with quantum mechanics instruction is that single-particle quantum mechanics and many-body problems often use quite different methods in their solution. When working with the differential equation form of the Schrödinger equation, the standard approach is to use a series-based solution (following a sequence of changes of variables and of wavefunction ansatzes) called the Fröbenius method. This method is rarely used in modern research problems. On the other hand, much of many body physics and quantum field theory employs methodologies from complex analysis. In our work, we are showing how one can combine training in complex analysis and its use in quantum mechanics earlier in the curriculum. We feel this is most applicable at the graduate level, where students are sophisticated enough to work with complex variables.
One might be concerned that trying to do this will require an inordinate amount of complex analysis instruction prior to being able to use the Laplace method. But that is not the case. One can essentially prove Cauchy's theorem from Stoke's theorem, with the condition that the curl vanishes being identical to the Cauchy-Riemann equations. The residue theorem follows almost immeiately then by calculating the integrals of powers with contours that wind around the origin once. The only technical detail remaining is to describe the logarithm, nonintegal powers, single valuedness, and branch cuts. This is straightforward to do by adopting standard complex analysis rules for how to determine the phase relative to a reference point in the complex plane. This ends up being all of the material needed for the complex analysis background. The methodology is completed by carefully working out the asymptotic analysis of integrals over contours using stationary phase and other related methods. Note that these are techniques that are widely used in modern research, so it is useful to take the time to teach students about this.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to incorporate this into instruction yet. But, courtesy of the pandemic, we do have a series of videos recorded for a second semester graduate level physics course. This course is a bit different from a standard graduate physics course as we discuss the Schrödinger factorization method and also discuss more many body topics including second quantization for light and electrons. We include the full video list here, but encourage those interested in the course to consult the course webpage which has much more details.
The videos of the course are available in a youtube channel; just be cautioned that the course has significantly more material than what is in the videos only.
At Georgetown University, we offer a mathematical physics class to sophomores in their second semester. Loosely speaking, the learning goal of this class is to transform students from being technicians of math to practitioners of math. In other words, provide a deeper, richer understanding of the math they will use, along with illustrating how math is used within physics. The course has a number of applications and demonstrations interweaved into the material. It covers the topics of calculus, the integral theorems of multivariable calculus, complex numbers and complex analysis through the residue theorems, linear algebra, differential equations and Fourier series. I felt it important to emphasize the way math is used in physics by also incorporating a laboratory each week. The class is offered on edx annually starting in January. It was first offered in 2021. Mathematical and Computational Methods (Physics 155/155x).
At Georgetown, the class has been offered as a flipped class since 2018. The main benefits of the flipped class format is that students are able to get more practice with solving problems and that they get immediate feedback as to whether they are right or wrong on a particular problem. Both are likely to help with learning. The course also provides optional opportunities for using retrieval practice to help long-term retention of the material. The math covered here is all that is needed for an operator-based quantum mechanics course. (It does not teach the Fröbenius method, so it does not completely prepare for traditional quantum mechanics classes). The development of this course was partially supported by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration. You can also see course evaluations.
The videos of the course are available in a youtube channel; just be cautioned that the course has significantly more material than what is in the videos only. The syllabus is also available.